Hailing from a quiet fishing town, on a remote island off the southern tip of mainland Australia. This two-headed, bearded recluse spent his school days defacing textbooks and failing art class. Honing his artistic skills in the dive bars of the Southern Alps and venturing as far as the pirate spake shores of south-west England. His quest for better coffee and lack of winters led him to call Port Macquarie home, where the locals embraced his cheeky style and fast working ability by lending him their cafe walls, modified motorcycles, fancy surf craft and plain tshirts so they could wear his art. Spending his nights listening to 90s punk and hardcore, lending influences from the likes of Mike Giant, Jimbo Phillips, Ben Brown and many more. Sigh uses these inspirational energies to take his pen for a walk in any given surface. Nowadays his weapon of choice is ink and needle but can still be found on the end of a posca or throwing paint on a wall. But no surface is safe when the patch across his back reads “stay hungry”